Green Plant Leaves

Denial prevention + recovery — Prevent medical billing denials

Fewer denials. Less manual work. More revenue.

Outdated denial processing and high workload mean you’re probably leaving a lot of revenue on the table. Waystar’s Denial Prevention + Recovery suite helps you manage, appeal, and even prevent medical billing denials to ensure that less revenue slips through the cracks.
of denials are recoverable, yet most are never reworked

*Report: HFMA research + insights on denials in healthcare

How Waystar helps with medical billing denials

Preventing denials up front saves time + money

Working denials and appeals efficiently helps you collect more quickly. Waystar Denial Prevention + Recovery solutions automate the process of identifying and managing denied claims by:

Features + Benefits

  • Reporting on root causes to help prevent medical billing denials
  • Scrubbing 835 data to recover unpaid and underpaid line items
  • Uncovering each unpaid and underpaid line item
  • Evaluating what can be realistically appealed and overturned
  • Automating appeals within your existing EMR or PM system
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Denial + Appeal Management

A better way to work medical billing denials

Find out how you can streamline workflows, automate appeals, and stop leaving revenue on the table. Get the most out of your AR initiatives, send more appeal packages and reduce AR days with Waystar.

Denial + Appeal Management

Let’s work together to bring your denial rate down

At Waystar, we know what a challenge medical billing denials can be on both workflows and revenue. We’d love to connect with you about your organization’s goals and discuss how we can meet or exceed them. Fill out the form below, and a Waystar expert will be in touch shortly.